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Sirens were dangerous female-animal hybrids who lured sailors to their deaths with enchanting singing and music. Often depicted as being part bird or fish, sirens were painted by fin de siècle artists as beautiful and cruel; the men who fall victim to their songs are portrayed as entirely enraptured, fixated on the creatures' beauty, unable to resist their dangerous charms.  


Artists readily depicted part-woman, part-beast creatures from mythology and legend among the ranks of mythical and biblical femmes fatales. Just as queens and powerful individuals became alluring, dangerous threats under painters' brushes, so did sirens, mermaids, and at the end of the century, vampires.

Fantastical Female Figures

Vampires occupied a dark territory laced with seduction, deception, and uncontrolled sexuality in the fin de siècle imagination. Though Bram Stoker's 1897 Dracula is the most well-known literary example of vampires, in art, literature, and popular culture the vampire was almost exclusively embodied by cunning, deceitful women with a lust for blood and money posessing  frenzied sexual desires. A dichotomy between the hungry-eyed vampire and idealized saintly woman fit perfectly into society's existing virgin/whore classification. However, unlike a mere prostitute, the vampire not only played upon men's desires for money, but frantically sought to deplete unsuspecting males' wealth and well-being; her frenzied sexuality merged with her need for blood to drain men of all essence and reduce them to penniless, feeble shells.


"By 1900 the vampire had come to represent woman as the personification of everything negative that linked sex, ownership, and money" (Djikstra, 351);  the medical community soon incorporated vampirical tendencies into the barrage of pathological indicators levelled upon the behavior of women. Dr. William J. Robinson, author of the popular Married Life and Happiness articulated the vampirical characteristics of women who did not share the appropriate desires of 'normal' wives –


"there is the opposite type of woman, who is a great danger to the health and even the very life of her husband. I refer to the hypersensual woman, to the wife with an excessive sexuality. It is to her that the name vampire can be applied in its literal sense. Just as the vampire sucks the blood of its victims in their sleep while they are alive, so does the woman vampire suck the life and exhaust the vitality of her male parner – or victim"




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